We have been in the telecommunication industry since 1982 working with and for several differnt commnication companies. Throughout the years we have seen changes in not only technoliges and service providers but in how end users use their telephones. Its no longer just a means of connecting with customers. With current technoliges you as a bussiness owner or manager have the opportunity to manage, monitor and change system operations at will.
Using call traffic data you can measure a different call matrix at will. Learn which of your advertising champians work and which ones don't. Find out who calls and when. New communications platforms offer the option to record every phone call or just certian ones. They can then be archived for future use as needed.
Communication platform integration has become a reality. Open syetem platforms are now able to control or be controlled by outside system servers. These servers may be used for customer data bases, CRM or CSM platforms. Integration with Microsoft Outlook, that allows access to your contact list. The ability to forward voice mail messages as email attachments. End users can now use their cell phones as extensions of your communication system. The options seem endless.